Sunday, May 24, 2020

How to Use the French Word Du Tout

The French word du tout, which is pronounced, du too, means (not) at all. It has a normal register. Usage The French expression du tout emphasizes a negative word, most commonly the negative adverb pas. When used with pas, du tout can be placed either right after it or else at the end of the sentence; the latter is a bit more forceful. Je naime pas du tout courir. / Je naime pas courir du tout. I dont like running at all.Il na pas du tout changà ©. / Il na pas changà © du tout. He hasnt changed at all.Elle na pas du tout didà ©es. / Elle na pas didà ©es du tout. She doesnt have any ideas at all. In response to a question, du tout can be used on its own or with pas to mean not/none at all. Veux-tu aller au cinà ©Ã‚  ? -Du tout. / Pas du tout. Do you want to go to the movies? -Not at all.Tu nas pas dargent  ? -Du tout. / Pas du tout. You dont have any money? -None at all. Du tout can also be used with other negative words: Il na rien fait du tout ce matin. He did nothing at all / He did absolutely nothing this morning.Personne du tout nà ©tait à   la plage. There was no one at all / There was absolutely no one at the beach.  Il ny a plus du tout de cafà ©. Theres no coffee left at all.Elle est partie sans pleurer du tout. She left without crying at all.

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