Tuesday, November 26, 2019
PSY101 memories Essays
PSY101 memories Essays PSY101 memories Paper PSY101 memories Paper Essay Topic: Literature George Miller found that the average person is able to keep about ____ digits in mind at a time. seven When an old piece of information interferes with your proactive The memory problem called retroactive interference happens when leaning new information interferes with your memory of old information. Tim can remember what he had for lunch yesterday. This is an example of aan episodic memory. Explicit memory, also called ____ memory, can be clearly stated or explained declarative The memory of how to perform a task is implicit memory Endel Tulving, the cognitive psychologist, classifies memories according to the type of information stored. The two types of explicit memory described by Tulving are semantic and episodic memory. The memory of things that happen to us or occur in our life are referred to as episodic memory. Abe and Rose, who have been married for 13 years, are discussing the episodic Your recollection of the humiliating lecture you received after you were episodic Recall of what your professor said in class and recall of what you wore that day are semantic and episodic General knowledge of history, algebra, and literature refers to ____ memory. semantic The type of memory one would use to remember the seven wonders of the semantic memory. When stating I know. you are referring to a(n) ____ memory semantic; episodic In-line skating and tap dancing skills would be stored in ____ memory. implicit The distinction between semantic and procedural memory is what it was and how one did it. Which of the following is most likely to remain firmly embedded in how to swim Tracy took tennis lessons when she was very young but had not implicit Once we have learned the multiplication tables the recall of 6 times 6 is priming The story about a woman with amnesia who was able to dial her mothers implicit ____ memory is recalling information that was previously learned Retrospective; prospective Which of the following use prospective memory? none of the above The memory that tends to fail when we are feeling stressed, distracted, and prospective memory. Which of the following is not a type of prospective memory? knowledge-based tasks. Which of the following causes a decline in both prospective and retrospective memory? aging The process of changing information so that we can place it in memory is called encoding. The stages of information processing in memory are encoding, storage, and retrieval Jason, straining his eyes on the deck of a ship, is trying to memorize distant visual code. Which of the following is not a psychological format that can be sensory code Which of the following could be used to store The Star Spangled Banner song acoustic code What type of code represents stimuli in terms of their meaning? semantic code Ludwig, a cellist, is memorizing a musical composition by heart without reference to acoustic code. Mimi is memorizing the Bill of Rights in relation to the legal cases in semantic code. ____ means maintaining information over time. Storage Mentally repeating a list or saying it to yourself refers to maintenance rehearsal By mentally repeating a telephone number after looking it up for the maintenance rehearsal While doing his homework, Joe noticed that he was having difficulty with metamemory. Our awareness of the functioning of our memory is defined by psychologists as metamemory. Extending the semantic meaning of something you already know refers to elaborative rehearsal. Using the phrase Elvis Guitar Broke Down on Friday to remember the elaborative rehearsal. The process of locating and returning information to consciousness is retrieval. Locating stored information and returning it to consciousness is retrieval. The correct order of events in memory processing is encoding, storage, and retrieval Sofia is taking a chemistry exam. She has not studied conscientiously for encoding failure Roberto is taking a physics exam. Although he has studied thoroughly information retrieval The process by which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved is called memory. Atkinson and Shiffrin proposed the three stages of memory referred to as sensory, short-term, and long-term n the Atkinson and Shiffrin stages of memory, the progress of information determines whether and how long information is retained. The eyes fixate from point to point several times each second. This is called saccadic eye movements. While Tanya is visiting the pet store she looks down an aisle and catches both a and b Humans experience a stream of consciousness rather than discrete sensory memory briefly holds perceptions, making them seem connected. The stage of memory that first encounters stimuli is called sensory. If an image of Abraham Lincolns face was flashed on memory trace. The turn of the century psychologist McDougall found four or five letters in a single fixation In 1960, George Sperling modified McDougalls method of ____ whole-report procedure; partial-report procedure George Sperlings experiment determined that both a and b. The significance of Sperlings partial-report procedure study is sensory Psychologist believe that we possess a sensory register for each of our sensory systems. Mental representations of visual stimuli are referred to as ____ icons; iconic Another term for photographic memory is eidetic imagery. Photographic memory involves iconic memory and eidetic imagery. What causes the flow of visual information to iconic memory Visual experience appears as a smooth and continuous iconic memory; saccadic eye movements You are taking notes, while listening to a lecture echoes; echoic Visual images are to ____ memory as auditory images are to iconic; echoic The sensory register that holds the mental representations echoic memory. Memory traces of sounds decay more slowly than those of visual stimuli. The memory that enables one to hold information for both a and b. One will generally encode visual stimuli into auditory both a and b Visual stimuli are most commonly retained in short-term memory by encoding visual stimuli as sounds that can be rehearsed Aaron has just been given a telephone number of a around 10 seconds Dana can only remember a few of the first and last items on her serial-position effect. Information at the beginning and end of a list tends to be more easily recalled than serial-position effect. Jim had received driving directions to his destination from the middle of the sequence. Paul can only remember the conclusions of his speech. This is an example of the serial-position effect. Amy is trying to remember her social security number, while Rehearse the set of numbers keeping them in the 3 chunks format. According to George Miller the number of pieces of information the average person can easily recall after a single exposure. After a single presentation, Megan can recall her friends chunking The typical maximum number of chunks of information that can be held is seven. The telephone number of Brads financial services firm is it consists of only two chunks of information that are meaningfully related to his business. The ability to remember the letters of the alphabet or the words in the rote memory. Mechanical association learning used by an actor to memorize his lines rote memory. Preventing rehearsal can ____ information contained in short-term memory. reduce The appearance of new information in short-term memory limited. The process by which new information displaces older information in the capacity of short-term memory is variable According to Atkinson and Shiffren, the third stage of information processing is long-term memory. Which of the following statements would Freud disagree with Our ideas and perceptions may appear lost because they were never properly encoded. The evidence for the popular idea that all of our experiences are arguable. The way in which we conceptualize our worlds, our beliefs, and o schemas. Rosalind, a forward on the womens basketball team, has invited Bryce She does not fit his schema of her dresses. A person that reconstructs their experience according to their prejudices is allowing a schema to influence their recall. Loftus and Palmer showed people a film of a car crash and then asked them to smashed into The idea that long-term memories are recollections of a car crash can be influenced by the way in which it is labeled. All of the following are problems with eyewitness testimony EXCEPT Children make better witnesses because they are less suggestible than adults. Elizabeth Loftus research on eyewitness memory suggests that memory All of the above According to Elizabeth Loftus, the most significant cause of memory is misleading information Experts suggest that witnesses to a crime contaminate their own memory of the event. The Lost in the Mall study illustrated that both a and b Which of the following is NOT true regarding long-term memory? There is a tendency to replace new information with old information. Danielle, a college senior, is trying to remember the names she has not yet found the cues that will help her retrieve the information from long-term memory A psychology student wants to know how to remember the elaborative The difference between rote learning and meaningful learning is maintenance rehearsal and elaborative rehearsal. Some language arts teachers like to say, Another language, another soul. The elaborative rehearsal. While studying for an astronomy exam, Haley realizes that the swirling motion of elaborative rehearsal. Craik and Lockhart argue that memory storage and recall depends upon the ____ depth The ____ model of memory proposes that memory consists of levels-of-processing Henry learned that the word diplomat originates from two Greek stems elaborative rehearsal What is meant by the word deeply in the statement All of the above Which of the following is an example of processing new information deeply. both a and b Susan, Judd, and Melanie work at a music store in the mall Judd The mnemonic device i before e except after c is based upon a(n) semantic code Benjamin can remember exactly where he was and what he was doing flashbulb memory. Emotionally charged events that arrest public interest, like the attacks of flashbulb memories. The vivid, detailed recollection of what you were doing when you learned about flashbulb memory. Flashbulb memories seem vivid for Dramatic events stimulate the brain to produce exact or photographic memories. Which of the following is true regarding long-term memory organization? All of the above ____ is formed in long-term memory by organizing information into groups Hierarchical structure Using the hierarchical structure of your long-term memory of All of the above Evan met Lesley at a party last week. He sees her again a few weeks after tip of the tongue phenomenon. Zelda is trying to remember the name of the actor who played the lead in the tip-of-the-tongue (TOT) phenomenon. One conclusion of Brown and McNeils classic study of the acoustic and semantic codes. Some of the participants in the Brown and McNeil TOT experiments proved to incomplete or imperfect learning. Research suggests that our memories of the past are people tend to seek out positive events and avoid negative ones Evidence from a number of studies demonstrates that recall is ____ worse; context-dependent Jill prefers to study for tests in the classroom where the tests are context-dependant Jennie returned to her elementary school when she was visiting her context-dependent memory Detective Rawlings asked Harry, a witness to a mugging, to mentally reconstruct the context-dependent memory DÃ ©j vu is an example of ____ memory. context-dependant One afternoon Amanda could not remember where she left her purse. In the state-dependent memory In the effects of mood on memory, a happy mood may evoke state-dependent memory. Brooke drinks so much coffee that she Drink enough coffee to give herself the jitters again The classic studies that first made use of nonsense syllables in the study of Hermann Ebbinghaus. Remembering nonsense syllables is difficult because they are acoustic coding and maintenance rehearsal. A student taking a multiple-choice exam generally relies on the ____ recognition n preparing for the 40th high school reunion, Jill and Ed correctly identified recognition. In taking the position that only fill-in-the-blank tests are suitable for recall The memory task for most of the items in a multiple-choice test, such as recognition. Nonsense syllables are sometimes arranged as paired associates, recall. The paired associates task is used to measure the ____ memory task. recall Peter, a participant in a paired associate learning experiment, noted that both semantic and acoustic encoding The difference between the number of times required to learn savings. The concept of method of savings was developed by Ebbinghaus to study relearning In Ebbinghauss classic curve of forgetting, the greatest memory loss occurs most rapidly just after the material is initially learned Forgetting that occurs because new information inhibits the retrieval of interference theory. According to interference theory we forget material because a and b only Joy just learned to speak French, but she notices retroactive interference. Beatrice took four years of Spanish in high school. In college she studied retroactive interference At college Jim is learning to speak French, but he keeps using proactive interference. George just bought a new laptop computer after years of using a proactive interference. Which of the following statements is true regarding Freuds concept of repression? All of the above Psychoanalysts believe that dissociative amnesia involves repression. Freds history professor exhibits traits similar to those of repression. Bill recently found out that when he was a child his dog, which he thought was repression. The lack of support for the existence of recovered memories is based on Both a and b Freud discovered that many patients could not recall episodes that infantile The text presents several methods to improve memory skills. Which Avoid using familiar associations. In the Method of Loci, the material to be learned is associated with familiar images. The memory strategy called ____ relies on forming associations by linking two items mediation Mnemonic devices can incorporate chunks of information into a format such as all of the above A psychoanalytical explanation of infantile amnesia would include a and b only Which of the following is a physiological factor contributing to infantile amnesia? both b and c Jessica was upset because she was unable to remember her 4th birthday party a or b In ____ amnesia, there are memory lapses for the period following a trauma anterograde Anterograde amnesia interferes with many memory processes such as all of the above One of the symptoms of anterograde amnesia is a failure to establish memories after the injury, but a preservation of memories prior to the injury. Bill was in an automobile accident. The events just prior to the accident are still a retrograde Which of the following is a cognitive factor associated with infantile amnesia? Infants do not reliably use language to symbolize or classify events. In ____ amnesia, the trauma prevents patients from remembering events that retrograde The surviving bodyguard in Princess Dianas car was unable to recall retrograde amnesia. The clinical effects of head trauma suggest a period of consolidation ____ are viewed as electrical circuits in the brain that correspond to memory traces. Engrams In searching for the engram, Karl Lashley was in reality looking for the biological memory. Which of the following are thought to be involved in the biochemical process of both a and b Research on the biology of memory involving the visual cortex of memories may have neural correlates at specific sites When sea snails, such as Aplysia and Hermissenda, are conditioned, serotonin The enhanced efficiency in a synapse after brief rapid stimulation that makes long-term potentiation. Low levels of ____ are correlated with memory loss in Alzheimers disease. acetylcholine All of the following naturally occurring chemical substances have been adrenaline and noradrenaline. The structural changes in the brain that take place with the formation of hippocampus. Joe is a long-term alcoholic who has great difficulty storing new information in hippocampus After a stroke destroyed a large area of his frontal lobe, Dwight was less able to integrate place and time. It appears that storage bins for long-term memories are located in different brain areas. What part of the memory system is the prefrontal cortex thought to play? executive center After an industrial accident in which he experienced a penetrating hippocampus. Damage to the ____ disrupts the formation of ____ memories thalamus; verbal
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Primary Government Contract Types
Primary Government Contract Types There are three primary types of government contracts: fixed price, cost reimbursable and time and materials. Fixed price contracts have a negotiated price that remains the same over the life of the contract so the amount you will be paid remains the same. Cost reimbursable contracts involve the government paying for the actual cost to complete the work. Cost reimbursable contracts have a variety of schemes for providing a fee or profit to the contractor. Time and materials contracts have agreed to rates for labor and materials that do not change over the contract and are billed as incurred. Time and materials contracts can have annual escalation rates incorporated in them to reflect increasing costs. Cost Plus Incentive Fee (CPIF) A cost plus incentive fee contract is one where the vendor is reimbursed for costs incurred plus fee based on a formula tied to costs. The fee formula can vary and is normally designed to encourage the contractor to keep costs down. Cost Plus Award Fee (CPAF) A cost reimbursement contract where the objectives of the contract are determined to be completed by subjective means. The contractor receives reimbursement for their costs plus the award fee. Cost plus award fee contracts can not be used when cost plus fixed fee or cost plus incentive fee contract would be more appropriate. Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF) A cost plus fixed fee contract reimburses the contractor for the cost incurred to complete the work plus a negotiated fixed fee. The fee does not change based on cost of the work. Cost is calculated based on actual amounts paid for labor and materials plus fringes, overhead and general and administrative rates. Fringe, overhead and general and administrative rates are computed annually and reflect the actual corporate costs. Many government contracts are cost reimbursable. Firm Fixed Price or FFP contracts have detailed requirements and a price for the work. The price is negotiated before the contract is finalized and does not vary even if the contractor needs to expend more or less resources than planned. Firm fixed price contracts require the contractor to manage the costs of the work in order to make a profit. If more work than planned is required then the contractor may lose money on the contract unless a contract modification is obtained. Firm fixed price contracts can also be more profitable if costs are closely managed. Fixed Price Contract With Incentive Fee Target (FPIF) The fixed price contract with incentive fee contract is a firm fixed price type contract (as compared to a cost reimbursable). The fee can vary depending on whether the contract comes in above or below planned cost. These contracts do contain a ceiling price to limit the governmentââ¬â¢s exposure to cost overruns. Fixed Price With Economic Price Adjustment Fixed price with economic price adjustment contracts are fixed price contracts but they contain a provision to account for contingencies and changing costs. An example is the contract may contain an adjustment for an annual salary increase. Time Materials contracts have rates negotiated before contract award for the cost by labor category and materials. As work is completed the contractor bills against the rates agreed to in the contract regardless of the actual cost. Know which contract type is planned in advance of submitting a proposal as well as during contract negotiations. Knowing the contract type allows you to plan the project and how best to manage it for success. Before a company can get a cost reimbursable contract it must have an approved accounting system.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Writer's Choice Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Writer's Choice - Article Example The journal conducted some surveys, as well as interviews and the findings, proved that the Southwestern Region of the United States has been tracking modifications in their programs as well as assessment focus. States in the Southwestern Region are now changing from functional contents to academic contents (Sato, 2008). The journal focuses on the year 2007 and how the five states of the Southwestern region of the United States institutes these alternative programs. The journal also finds that, due to the wide range of student physical disabilities and student cognitive behaviors, a one-size alternative assessment will not fit everybody. In examining the challenges of planning and implementing alternate assessments across these five states, the researchers developed six study queries. These queries include: the challenges that are encountered during the execution of the fresh policies and practices. The second query was how the alternate assessments in the five states looked liked before the research. The researchers explored the different training methods that were offered to educators of alternate assessments. They also examined how the collected results are applied at the student, school, and district as well as at the state level. The researchers also examined to what level the state alternate assessments captured similar skills as states examinations specified for the general student populace. Finally, they examined the technical issues that states were encountering in developing plus implementing valid and reliable alternate assessments (Sato, 2008). I personally feel that the research was well planned. This is because alternate assessments for learners with cognitive disabilities are fairly new in many states, but the research takes an approach that is different from other programs. Other researches do not include every student with different
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The assignment it is a cross culture communication subject and it a Case Study
The assignment it is a cross culture communication subject and it a - Case Study Example es great challenges in business and, therefore, increase management costs (Lifang 2).The paper provides means/strategies that can help to solve some problems that have been facing Mr. Salih in XYZ multinational corporation. The strategies need approval of the corporateââ¬â¢s top management. In addition, the strategies were designed by the corporate head of human resource. Globally, multi-national corporations are facing personal conflicts, business industry conflicts, and more clashes that results from differences in attitudes, sources of information, and, as well as differences in personality, perception ,values and ideology. However, although conflict can be a psychological and behavioral form of confrontation. These conflicts will have an effect on the quality of work environment, development of the corporation, management efficiency as well as survival of the organization if it is not handled properly. For instance, the empirical importance of Western style of thinking and the Asian interpretation mode of thinking in the corporateââ¬â¢s cross-cultural communication can always constitute result of conflict, therefore, business managers need to attach significant attention and importance to it. However, the national culture formation can also bring about a variety of solutions and also patterns of behaviors to challenges; thus, cross-cultural related conflicts have happened mostly. Behavior pattern is clearly explicit in the style of national culture that is a fixed structure and recognized by people in a similar group through direct communication. Diverse cultures result to a variety of behavior patterns. Similarly, different behavior patterns might show a big conflict. However, cross-cultural situation exerts a lot of impact on the management of the corporate in different means. They always play a function without being easily noticed. The moment people realize the form of influence they have, the outcomes have been formed already. Most corporates in the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Aggregate Demand and Supply Models Essay Example for Free
Aggregate Demand and Supply Models Essay When examining unemployment and supply and demand it is imperative to examine the affects one has on the other and vice versa. If no new jobs are created or layoffs occur, there are no jobs to supply the needs. As the availability of money lessens a smaller amount is available for the purchase of goods, therefore fewer goods are sold. As the demand lessens sales forecasts also become smaller, these forecasts project fewer orders placed to the manufacturers. Merchants do not want to hold onto a disproportionate amount of inventory, which can be extremely expensive, both from the standpoint of cash/credit expenditure and for the storage fees. The smaller the orders are for manufactured products will result in a smaller customer supply level (United States Unemployment Rate, 2013). It is essential to amplify government funding to generate new jobs in order for the unemployment rate to be reduced. From a Keynesian viewpoint increasing government, spending is a multifaceted benefit for everyone, and this will control the aggregate level. From a Classical perspective, it is best to let the economy naturally adjust, to incorporate the unemployment ratio. Consequently, for that reason, increased spending would not be fitting in this economic model. Expectations In the first three months of 2013, the GDP in the United States has grown at a 2. 5% annual rate. Although the GDP has risen from the last quarter of 2012, 2. 5 is still almost a full point under the expectations of economists for the year. Although the economy is in a more stable point than in the 2008 collapse it has become apparent the United States economy has been stuck for quite some time now. According to Neil Irwin (2013 Washington Post) ââ¬Å"the biggest culprit in the weak report was the government sector, which fell at a 4. 1 percent rate, after a 7 percent pace of decline in the fourth quarter. Unfortunately, this year the private sector of business has proved of no expansion and no signs point to change. As for the expectations for the rest of the 2013 year, its economistââ¬â¢s jobs to identify trends in the market and make assumptions of change in the economy based on those findings. Unfortunately, there seems to be little to any trends that look promising enough to quicken the recovery of the 2008 collapse. As it stands currently, the United States economy will slowly continue to grow, but not quickly. * Consumer Income According to Sivy (2013), ââ¬Å"Personal income fell 3. 6 percent in January, the biggest decline in 20 yearsâ⬠(p. ). If one takes into account taxes and inflation, the accurate disposable income is closer to 4%. Many economists believe that even though there is a slow recovery from the recession the standard of living for many Americanââ¬â¢s has declined. It has become difficult for the middle-class income to keep up with rising taxes and unemployment. There does not seem to be any movement toward restoring income for middle-class households, which affects the GDP in a negative manner. The relationship to the aggregate supply and demand curve is that the consumers will only consume the number of goods and services their budget allows. When a consumer has a lower level of income, he or she is less likely to purchase high quantities of products and services, causing a negative effect on the aggregate supply and demand. Less wealth leads to less consumption, bring down the demand for goods, and causing a shift in output (to the left). Interest Rates The Federal Reserve Board (also known as the Fedâ⬠) controls interest rates. ââ¬Å"When the Fed raises or lowers short term interest rates, banks can raise or lower the interest rates they charge borrowers, including the prime rateâ⬠(Northrop Grumman, 2013). In todayââ¬â¢s current economy, there is a rise in interest rates. One may ask, what does this mean for the consumers in our economy as well as businesses. A number of things can happen. If the interest rates rise, consumers may not be inclined to purchase home and auto loans. Ehling (2013), ââ¬Å"Since April, mortgage rates have jumped almost 1 percent, causing concern for those in the market to buy a homeâ⬠(Para 2). This rise in interest rates can hurt businesses because fewer consumers are spending money. However, businesses can also use this to their advantage because they can put pressure on consumers to buy sooner rather than later before the rates increase even higher. When rates increase, the economy is usually strong and in good health. The Fed is usually trying to slow down economic growth. While interest rates rise, the aggregate demand curve shifts up and to the right. When interest rates are lowered, the aggregate demand curve shifts down and to the left. The short-term aggregate supply curve is also affected. When interest rates are low, this will cause the curve to shift to the right, and when the interest rates are higher the curve shifts to the left. It would be wise to lower the interest rates a little because the economy is still recovering. Raising the interest rates in a span of weeks could result in hurting the economyââ¬â¢s health. In todayââ¬â¢s economy, if we lowered interest rates a small amount this would increase consumer spending and will create more jobs. Recommendations After reviewing the above mentioned, we have determined the following recommendations to help the economy grow. The above are in some way or another intertwined and affects each other as well. Our recommendation is to spend less, owe less, and grow the economy (Joint Economic Committee, 2011). To reduce government budget the use of more fiscal consolidations are essential. These programs ultimately reduce government spending, which in turn can accelerate short and long-term economic growth. Increasing tax rates are not good for the economy because it affects the long-term economic growth. In addition, decreasing the number of government workers would be a way for the government to reduce its spending, along with compensations (Joint Economic Committee, 2011). Eliminating agencies and programs is also another way to reduce spending costs. Last, reforming and reducing transfer payments to households will boost GDP growth because it will enhance the credibility of fiscal consolidation programs (Joint Economic Committee, 2011). This will also encourage younger workers to work more, save, and retire older. Part Two Evaluation of Recommendations Keynesian economists believe in applying financial and fiscal policies to lessen the effects of economic recessions. Keynes argued that in times of recession, spending is a public good that benefits everyone (Colander, 2013). The government should be spending and providing jobs to stimulate the economy. Unfortunately, during a recession most do the opposite. Businesses and government seems to cut back on military spending and cause major layoffs. Businesses are reluctant to invest because they already have more capacity than they can use. However, the government can jump-start the economy through increased spending and investment. These investments would go a long way to strengthen the economy. Currently the leadership in the White House has implemented policies that stem from the Keynesian theory. This is in large due to the previous recession that the country faced after the attacks of 9/11. The Keynesian theories allow the government to intervene and help stimulate the economy. During a stagnate or failing economy the government generates revenue and jobs sometimes by adding money into the economy and thus keeping interest rates low. This has shown to be an effective approach because the economy is starting to recover and grow again Classical economists believe on creating long-term solutions for economic problems. They argue that any imperfections in the economy will be corrected automatically, and no government intervention is needed. ââ¬Å"While the Keynesian economists believe in implementing monetary and fiscal policies, the classical economists believe that the best monetary policy during a crisis is no monetary policyâ⬠(Patil, 2012). Although both theories are important, one may say the best solution is to have a mixture of both theories. There are many economic situations where one theory might work better than the other is; however, a wise economist is not only preparing for short-term solutions, but long-term solutions as well. Conclusion In conclusion, it is important in business to be open to looking at situations (i. e. the economy) from angles. Looking at the economy from both points of views could be critical to the success and forecasting of our economy in the future. However, after reviewing both Keynesian and Classical we still feel that the Keynesian approach will have a more significant impact on the economy. The recommendations we have suggested for the President reaffirm this.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
How Society Viewed Love and Marriage in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Aus
How Society Viewed Love and Marriage in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen Jane Austen was born in 1775 and spent most of her life in the countryside in a village called Steventon, Hampshire. She was the daughter of a clergyman, Reverend George Austen and her mother was called Cassandra Austen. She had a brief education starting at the age of seven and ending at eleven, when she settled at home. Like women in Austenââ¬â¢s society, she had little education due to the beliefs at the time; the only education she would have received would likely have been to up her social status, through marriage. She wrote ââ¬Å"Pride and Prejudiceâ⬠to portray societyââ¬â¢s views of love and marriage to the reader and to shoe that marriages take place for different reasons. We see throughout the novel the excessive number of marriages and courtships that take place. The opening sentence ââ¬Å"Itââ¬â¢s a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in the possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wifeâ⬠introduces the theme of love, marriage and money in an ironic way. The irony is contained in the fact that marriage is meant to be about love and happiness but clearly revolves around wealth and social standing. In the novel we see two established marriages take place; The Bennetââ¬â¢s and the Gardinerââ¬â¢s. Throughout the novel four other marriages take place; Lydia and Mr Wickham, Charlotte Lucas and Mr Collins, Elizabeth and Darcy and Jane and Mr Bingley. The marriage between Mr Collins and Charlotte Lucas is purely based on financial and social security not love or appearance, It was extremely common fro women in Austens era to marry and save themselves from spinsterhood and social security and to gain, the above mentioned, financial... ...however, that Darcy is her ideal match. Intelligent and forthright, he too has a tendency to judge too hastily and harshly, and his high birth and wealth make him overly proud and overly conscious of his social status. When he proposes to her, for instance, he dwells more on how unsuitable a match she is than on her charms, beauty, or anything else complimentary, ââ¬Å"not handsome enoughâ⬠. Here Darcy is reflecting societyââ¬â¢s views of love and marriage because many people married for higher social status and financial status rather than for love and beauty. Pride and prejudice is a love story but does not reflect the romantic side. It gives the reader a sense of all the different kinds of relationships, none of them are the same. It shows that the ideal couple is difficult to find, the established marriages in the book being The Bennetââ¬â¢s and the Gardinerââ¬â¢s.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Research Proposal (Tomato Juice) Essay
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION As an individual, we play an important role in setting a good example for encouraging people into good dietary habits. To stay fit and healthy, teach them to choose healthy food and be active from an early age. Adopting a healthy lifestyle helps us all to feel fitter, look better and concentrate better in everything we do. The topic that I have chosen is regarding the ââ¬Å"Tomato Juiceâ⬠, I feel the need to impart to everyone that one of the foods we need to eat and drink is just within our reach. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY A healthy life requires proper nutrition as well as regular exercise. Both are key in the prevention of disease and also help improve overall mental and physical health. Diets full of bad fats, such as trans and saturated fats, put you at risk for stroke, certain cancers and heart disease, whereas a diet rich in vegetables lowers the risk of prostate and breast cancer, among other benefits. Sugar, bad fats and processed foods also increase your risk for joint problems, such as arthritis, which is compounded by a lack of exercise, as regular workouts keep the body limber and loose. A healthy diet should be high in vegetables, fruits, cold water fish and whole grains, while exercise should include cardiovascular and strength-training workouts. The list of effects from poor nutrition and lack of exercise is seemingly endless. Both generally result in considerable weight gain, which puts you at risk for a myriad of health problems, whether physical, mental or emotional. These unhealthy eating habits can affect our nutrient intake, including energy, protein, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals as well as fibre and fluid. Taking charge of your health will not only protect you from health problems as you age, but will also give you more energy and peace of mind. Health is a resource of everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities. One of the factors that determine the health of a person is the food that he eats. Good nutrition, based on healthy eating is one essential factor that helps us to stay healthy and be active. Poor eating habits include under- or over-eating, notà having enough of the healthy foods we need each day, or consuming too many types of food and drink, which are low in fibre or high in fat, salt and/or sugar. Our health defines us, and on this research I will tackle the benefits of tomato and how it can be useful to us either raw or processed. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM How to attain a palatable tomato juice based on taste, color, odor, and texture? How to convince people that drinking tomato juice can help lead a healthy lifestyle? What is the impact of this research to consumer, restaurant and HRM department? OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY To maintain health by preventing vitamin deficiency state in an individual. The general objective is to transform the proposed product as to improve the taste, odour, colour and texture to make it highly acceptable to the preferences of the consumer. To support the integration of health awareness for prevention and control diseases such as skin problem or discoloration, hair loss, constipation and many more with the help of other health interventions as appropriate. The goal is also to ensure the acceptability of the proposal within HRM department and possible business in the market and certain business minded individuals. We aim to pursue business in existing markets by offering an innovated product which is healthy and desirable to the taste of the majority of the consumers. To give credit to the HRM department for giving the opportunity to the students to explore beyond what they can see and read on text books, magazines and other sort of media advertisements. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This study will create a major change in the perception of many individuals of how can we live and enjoy while staying healthy by having sufficient knowledge on the product being proposed. In addition, it will be beneficial to supplier-customer relationship by offering a new variety of a refreshing product which both can save cost. The researcher will also be able to gain more knowledge far beyond the basics of reading by doing the actual process and gathering data from different resources such as books and internet and from doing the procedure of the proposal itself. The HRM department will have other criteria of research oriented strategies that constitute part ofà comprehensive content analyses which can be used as a guide for succeeding students or individual to whom this research may be imparted. SCOPE AND DELIMITATION The study is for the HRM department of NONESCOST. This will include some student who will be asked to try and evaluate the product. The research is merely to create awareness to the people within or outside the campus the benefits of this study. This research is only limited to catching peopleââ¬â¢s desires to acknowledge the product and not to the extent of providing the nutritional value of the proposed. DEFINITION OF TERMS Conceptually ââ¬â is based from gathering oneââ¬â¢s point of view of a certain product (tomato juice) through inquiry. Acceptability ââ¬â is based on an individualââ¬â¢s highest and lowest satisfaction on the product being offered. Palatable ââ¬â is when a person literally likes the tomato juice based on the moment he tasted it, without considering other factors. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Tomatoes are a very popular vegetable. They are tasty, versatile, affordable, and provide a variety of health benefits. The tomato is consumed in diverse ways, including raw, as an ingredient in many dishes, sauces, salads and dinks. While it is botanically a fruit, it is considered a vegetable for culinary purposes. Tomatoes are featured in a variety of recipes and can be used in a number of different ways. One of the most popular options for consuming tomatoes is in tomato juice. The juice is rich, tasty, and filled with health benefits. OTHER SIGNIFICANT NAME The tomato has a scientific name of Solanum lycopersicum, while commonly known as tomato plant. For a long time tomatoes were known by the name Lycopersicon esculentum, but recent work by scientists has shown that they are really part of the genus Solanum ââ¬â as Linnaeus recognised when he first described the species. Today scientists and plant breeders all use the name Solanum lycopersicum for the cultivated tomato. BIOLOGY The origin of the cultivated tomato is somewhat unclear. Ethnobotanists and geneticists however have attempted to track down the centre of domestication. ââ¬Å"The genus Lycopersicon- the botanical group to which the tomato belongs- is native to western South America, and only Lycopersicon lycopersicum var. cerasiforme, the wild cherry form of the cultivated species, has spread throughout Latin America and the New World Tropics. Second, the tomato was not known in Europe until after the discovery and conquest of America, descriptions and drawings first appearing in the European herbals of the middle and late 16th century. Third, these writings clearly reveal that man had been trying to improve the size of the tomato and the diversity of its shape and color. These achievements over the wild ancestors were almost certainly achieved by early man in America. Mexico appears to have been the site of domestication and the source of the earliest introductions, and the wild cherry tomato was probably the immediate ancestor.â⬠As a matter of fact, ââ¬Å"the bulk of the historical, linguistic, archaeological and ethnobotanical evidence favours Mexico, particularly the Vera Cruz-Puebla area, as the source of the cultivated tomatoes that were first transported to the Old World. â⬠Although the origin of the tomato is somewhat clouded, there is no doubt that the cultigen of today has had a long journey. When the tomato finally made its way to Europe, the public responded with fear for several probable reasons. First, tomatoes belong to the family Solanaceae, which includes Datura and Belladonna ââ¬â the deadly nightshade, among other poisonous species. The assumption was that tomatoes must be poisonous as well. Second, in Germany, because of its terrible smell, the tomato plant was rejected. The tomato acquired names like the ââ¬Å"Devilââ¬â¢s wolf apple.â⬠This great fear of toxicity of the tomato plant probably prevented its utilization for many centuries. Today, the toxicity of the Solanaceae family has been studied extensively, and it has been found that most of the species are posionous. Obviously Belladonna and Datura are among the more poisonous members of the family, but the potato plant is also quite toxic. Lycopersicon spp., which are less toxic than the other members of the family contain tomatine, a toxic glycoalkaloid. Many wild relatives of the tomato such as Lycopersicon esculentum var. cerasiforme, L. chilense, L. peruvianum, L. hirsutum, and L.à pimpinellifolium are among the richest genetic pools available for cross breeding. Almost all of the effective resistances to virulent tomato diseases have been found from wild species of Lycopersicon and Solanum. Geneticists from UC Davis have been making trips to the Andes and Central America in search of new species since 1948. Since then, researchers have amassed a germplasm stock effective against over 42 diseases. ââ¬Å"Few other crops are blessed with such extensive collections of wild forms and their derivatives.â⬠Not only are these wild relatives valuable sources of genetic material for disease control and prevention, but also for arthropod resistance, improving fruit quality, abiotic stress tolerance, and drought/cold resistance among many others. NUTRITION FACTS Nutritional Value per 100g of Fresh Tomatoes Source: USDA National Nutrient Data Base Principle Nutrient Value Percentage of RDA Energy 18 Kcal 1% Carbohydrates 3.9 g 3% Protein 0.9 g 1.60% Total Fat 0.2 g 0.70% Cholesterol 0 mg 0% Dietary Fiber 1.2 g 3% Vitamins Folates 15 à µg 4% Niacin 0.594 mg 4% Pyridoxine 0.080 mg 6% Thiamin 0.037 mg 3% Vitamin A 833 IU 28% Vitamin C 13 mg 21.50% Vitamin E 0.54 mg 4% Vitamin K 7.9 à µg 6.50% Electrolytes Sodium 5 mg less than 1% Potassium 237 mg 5% Minerals Calcium 10 mg 1% Iron 0.3 mg 4% Magnesium 11 mg 3% Manganese 0.15 mg 6.50% Phosphorus 24 mg 3% Zinc 0.17 mg 1.50% Phyto-nutrients Carotene-ß 449 à µg ââ¬â Carotene-à ± 101 à µg ââ¬â Lutein-zeaxanthin 123 à µg ââ¬â Lycopene 2573 à µg ââ¬â COMPARATIVE CONTROL Organic and conventional tomatoes grown in Florida in December 2003 and January 2005 were harvested at the breaker stage and ripened at 20à ºC. When tomatoes were determined to be fully ripe by visual inspection, samples were collected for quality analyses (color, firmness, total soluble solids, pH and total acidity). In each year, no significant differences in color or total soluble solids were detected between treatments. In 2003, total acidity was the only quality parameter that differed significantly (0.40% vs. 0.44% total acidity) between conventional and organic fruit, respectivey. In 2005, conventional tomatoes had significantly higher soluble solids (4.4 vs. 4.0 à °Brix) and were firmer (2.5 mm vs. 3.4 mm deformation) than organic fruit. Sensory evaluation (duo-trio test with balanced reference) was conducted in 2005 to determine whether consumers could perceive a difference between tomatoes grown conventionally or organically. Panelists could perceive a difference between conventional and organic tomatoes by smell or taste with high reliability (P
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Continuous Human Activities Towards Global Warming
The phenomenon described as global warming has been well studied and documented by researchers throughout the world for several years. It is a phenomenon that has the potential to destroy our planet and all life on it. This essay will briefly define global warming, provide evidence of global warming, outline the main causes of global warming and discuss both the known and potential impacts of global warming on the planet earth. Comments are also made concerning actions being taken as well as others that need to be taken to protect our planet from the potential catastrophic consequences of continued global warming. For thousands of years the earth has gone through many changes in climate. In the last decade however, the earth has experienced notable increases in temperature, resulting in rising sea levels, changes in precipitation as well as other climate changes. The earth has not experienced such dramatic climate changes before in it's history as it has in the last one hundred years. Some of these climatic changes have been blamed on global warming. What is this phenomenon referred to as global warming? Global warming is the term used to describe a moderate increase in the earth's temperature as a result of human activities. Examples include, the burning of fossil fuels and the production of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) which build up greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The greenhouse effect is a term used to describe the warming of the earth's surface due to the presence of carbon dioxide and other atmospheric gases, which trap radiant heat at the earth's surface. Diagram 1 illustrates the greenhouse effect. The denser these gases the more heat that is trapped. Energy from the sun drives the earth's weather and climate, and heats the earth's surface; in turn, the earth radiates energy back into space. Atmospheric greenhouse gases (water vapour, carbon dioxide, and other gases) trap some of the outgoing energy retaining heat. This is not unlike the glass panels of a greenhouse. (EPA 1) The increase in the amounts of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane from industries and cars causes energy to be trapped in the earth's atmosphere resulting in a rise of global temperatures. Without a little greenhouse effect though, life as we know it could not possibly exist on the earth. The natural greenhouse effect causes the mean temperature of the earth's surface to be approximately 33 degrees Celsius warmer than it would be if natural greenhouse gases were not present in the earth's atmosphere. (The Greenhouse Trap, 1) However, scientists are worried that human activities are intensifying the greenhouse effect. Cairncross writes, ââ¬Å"global warming is likely to be the result of the build-up of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxideâ⬠(Cairncross 111). The three main greenhouse gases produced by human activities are carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen gas. Carbon dioxide is the most common greenhouse gas produced by humans. It is responsible for over half of the increase in greenhouse gases present in the atmosphere. This is primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels. Each year, the burning of fossil fuels releases 5. 5 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. (footnote) The main sources of carbon dioxide include, electric utilities (35%), transport (30%), industry (24%), and the other 11% is produced by residential buildings (Brisbane Adventist College www. ozkidz). The graph below shows the dramatic increase in carbon dioxide gases in the atmosphere. It is believed that since the Industrial Revolution began about 250 years ago, atmospheric carbon dioxide has increased from a value of about 275 parts per million before the Industrial Revolution to about 360 parts per million in 1996, and the rate of increase has speeded up over this span of time (Hartmann). Scientists have determined this by measuring the carbon dioxide levels in the air that became trapped in glaciers, hundreds of years ago. They then compare this to the amounts of carbon dioxide in today's air. Global warming was first predicted in 1896, by a Swedish chemist named Svante Arrhenius. Arrhenius realized that the amount of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere was increasing rapidly due to industrialization. Arrhenius predicted that doubling the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would raise the earth's average temperature by about 5à °C (Herring). Though no one really paid any attention to him, Arrhenius's prediction was surprisingly accurate. He was only off by about 2 to 3 degrees. This is very remarkable, considering he had to make the calculations by hand without the aid of scientific equipment. It was not until the 1980's that it was determined global warming was actually occurring, almost a hundred years after it was first predicted by Arrhenius. Global warming has already raised the average temperature of the earth's surface by about 0. 5 degrees within the last one hundred years (Bates 6). The top ten warmest days in recorded history have all occurred within the 1990's. Global temperature changes between 1861 and 1996 are outlined in Diagram 2. It has been estimated that global average temperatures will increase of as much as 9 degrees F (5 degrees C) before the year 2999 (6). Up until recently most of the carbon dioxide produced was absorbed by the world's oceans, trees and soils. The rest remained in the atmosphere. Unfortunately, now we are producing more carbon dioxide and our oceans, trees and soils are absorbing less. This is partly attributed to the fact that our forests are being destroyed. Research has been done to show that as many as 60 acres of rain forest are being destroyed, every hour, every day of the year. (The Rain forest Trust Inc. ) In the world, only 22% of the old growth forests are still alive. This is because more forests are being cleared to make room for farming and the trees are not being replaced. This destructive process is called deforestation. Deforestation has been going on since man began clearing land for agriculture and has increased substantially during the industrialization period. The dramatic decline in the earth's forested areas can be seen on Figure 1. Figure 1 shows that between the years 900 and 1990 the earth's forested area has declined from 40% to 20%. The rain forests of the world are being destroyed at an alarming rate. Their loss is very concerning because they do not grow back easily. Forests are important because they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen back into the atmosphere. Forests help reduce carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. If current trends continue, the world's rain forests could disappear in the next few decades. As a result of the loss of these forests, global temperatures are rising faster than they ever have because less carbon dioxide is being removed from the atmosphere. Should global temperatures continue to increase at present day rates, scientists believe that there may be many negative impacts from global warming. For example, should temperatures continue to rise, polar ice caps and glaciers will melt, causing the sea and ocean levels to rise. Many beaches will sink beneath the water and many parts of low lying counties will be submerged below water. It is also possible that some coastal areas will be completely covered by water. The world's ocean levels have already risen about four to six inches since 1990 and it is expected to rise another six inches by the year 2100. (Leatherman) This could flood many coastal cities, leaving thousands of people homeless. Maps 1 and 2 show the potential impact of raising sea levels on North Carolina and Florida respectively. Another potentially disastrous effect of global warming is a reduction to the general health of people. There are some diseases that only affect people that live where the climate is extremely warm. As a result of a general increase in temperature there will be more people dying everyday because of heart problems related to heat exhaustion. Hospital admissions show that death rates increase during extremely hot days, particularly among the very old and very young people living in cities. Diseases in tropical areas, like yellow fever and malaria would be more common in areas like Canada and the United States should temperatures rise. This would cause thousands to die each year from these tropical diseases. Global warming trends will also change rainfall patterns. Some areas of the world will become wetter while others will become drier. Historical evidence suggests that the grain-growing areas of North America are likely to have less rain (Bates 19). This would result in the Great Plains becoming a grassland or desert and the corn belt would experience more frequent droughts. These changes in rainfall patterns will test the agricultural and water management skills of many countries. It is still possible for both industrialized and developing countries to stop global warming. To prevent serious environmental problems associated with global warming we will have to bring together widely different cultural, political and economic interests to pursue the majority of the world's people to make sacrifices for the sake of future generations. In December 1997, an agreement was made between 160 countries, in Kyoto, Japan, to cut greenhouse emissions by 5. % below 1990 levels by the 2008-2012 period. This means that the United States and Japan will have to lower their greenhouse emissions by 7 and 6 percent respectively. This reduction is to be accomplished by a blend of taxes and regulations, with some subsidies for implementing green technologies. (proquest article) Most companies are trying to work well ahead of the agreement date and reduce greenhouse emissions now. Should a company cut their emissions to the point where they reduce their emissions by more than 5. 2%, they can receive pollution credits, which can be sold to other companies. Stopping global warming will not be an easy task. There are going to have to be many initiatives taken to stop global warming. The only way we will be able to accomplish this is by getting the whole world to work together and reduce the production of carbon dioxide. This is especially true for the United States, a country which is the biggest polluter on the planet. The most effective way to prevent global warming is to stop emitting dangerous greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. A good way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions is practice the three R's; reduce, reuse and recycle. Purchasing food and other products in reusable and recycled packaging can help reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 230 pounds per year, while recycling all household waste newsprint, cardboard, glass and metal can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by an additional 850 pounds per year (http://www. p2pays. org/ref/01/00183. htm). Less use of automobiles, greater use of bicycles and more reliance on walking would also help to reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. There are other gases like nitrogen and oxygen that have little or no effect on greenhouse warming. We need to find ways to replace the dangerous fossil fuels with these less harmful gases instead. We should immediately start implementing alternative energy sources like solar power, hydropower, and wind power. These sources of energy do not add to global warming but are very expensive to implement today. When we entered the 20th century, the human race did not have the technology to greatly alter the delicate balance of our planet. During the 20th century the human race quickly developed technologies and industrial processes that began to affect the balance of our planet. The problems related to global warming, which we face at the start of the new millennium cannot be separated into compact, well defined groups. The issues we face today are not just increased carbon dioxide levels, deforestation, increased sea levels, or increased polar ice melting. These issues are all interrelated and global in nature. They are also not just problems of science, they are political, economical and cultural problems. Global warming will only became a political and cultural priority when people see it as a serious problem which is likely to affect them personally. We first need to be able to understand clearly the direct impacts which global warming will bring before we will begin to change our values and lifestyles to one based on sustainable development practices. Sacrifices will have to be made from our current high standards of living in industrialized countries. While there does not appear to be any agreement on the scope and timing of the effects of global warming, we as a civilization face an uncertain future if we do not change our ways. Bates writes, ââ¬Å"we stand at the edge of an onrushing catastropheâ⬠(Bates 190). The human race needs to collectively act to avoid a global crisis. We as humans have the ability to change and adapt to change around us and to decide what our life will be like. Governments of the world will need to work together to stop global warming. There is only one planet that we can live on right now, so we need to respect it and protect it. We must stop destroying our only home. Are we as Canadians prepared to make the sacrifices needed to change our attitudes about our high standard of living and the pursuit of personal wealth in order to save our planet?
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Riding in a stage coach essays
Riding in a stage coach essays This movie is one in which you want to watch it but you keep telling yourself to turn it off. What I mean by this is that this movie is, and always will be important to film history and also known for giving John Wayne his big break. But it will make you snore your head off if youre culturally more attracted to more of the Finding Nemo or Matrix movies. Stagecoach is about a group of travelers that hear about a possible apache attack. Among those travelers are Ringo (John Wayne), who is a prisoner for killing but is later realized to have killed in self defense. Mallory (Louise Platt) a pregnant woman searching for her husband and Dallas (Clair Trevor) a prostitute. Those are some main characters to name a few. The Director John Ford is a very smart person in the way he had camera angels. What I mean is that in every scene, the camera articulated the mood of the scene perfectly. Like during one scene, where the stagecoach is being attacked, he gets camera shots that you can see more than one persons emotion and I found that rather exciting. Another thing that I did like about this movie is how he really made it feel like it was a Western. I mean you can tell from the first 5 minuets that its not a science fiction. Another thing this movie must be commended on was in 1998 the American Film Institute voted Stagecoach in the top 100 American movies of all time. And considering how many movies have been made between 1939 and 1998 that is a tremendous honor. Also when it came out originally in 1939 it was voted one of the top ten movies of that year by the New Your Times. Although it only won two Academy awards including Best supporting actor, and Best score. It still was nominated for 6 Academies. Now my opinion on the film was that it was not my style at all. It is a good movie for what it is, but in no way shape or form is it a movie that I woul...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Research Paper Thesis
Research Paper Thesis Research Paper Thesis Research Paper ThesisProbably, there is no a student who manage to create a research paper thesis at the first try. Indeed, formulating a research paper thesis is not easy, as it requires precision of logic and appropriate selecting of necessary words to express your idea. So, if you have difficulties with formulating your research paper thesis, this article is a real finding for you. Read it up to the end and take into consideration the information presented here. If you are writing research paper and need some help with research paper topic ideas , do not hesitate to contact us for professional assistance with writing! Before you making an attempt to formulate a research paper thesis, you should understand what this term means. That is why some definitions of a research paper thesis is right in time for you. A research paper thesis is a sentence or a couple of sentences that clearly explains your position on the problem under consideration. Thus, a research paper thesis does not introduce a subject but rather takes a stand.A research paper thesis is not a title of your work. It should disclose an idea fully. That is why it looks like a completed sentence. A research paper thesis is not a vague and broad idea. It should be focused and specific.Now everything seems to be utterly comprehensive, but how to create such a strong research paper thesis? In order to do it successfully, follow the steps presented below.Learn carefully what the greatest researchers say about the problem for discussion. Whose position is more or less close to your personal vision of the problem? Think over the idea yo u would like to develop in your paper.Formulate your main idea. Try to formulate it in one or maximum two sentences. Write it down somewhere on a sheet of paper. Do not worry if it turned out to be a bit clumsy. You will come back to it later to edit. Conduct research. While reading and analyzing the relevant material found, make notes. They may help you make certain improvements into your research paper thesis while editing it. Come back to your research paper thesis and think what can be changed. If a thesis remains flexible until the paper is completed, it will not cause you much difficulty to rewrite it. So, turn back to it and think how to improve it. Take into consideration the information presented above, and you will manage to create a good research paper thesis without any difficulties. While thesis writing may appear challenging to you, we know how to write a thesis of high academic quality!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Significance of Effective Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Significance of Effective Writing - Essay Example He has huge responsibilities on his shoulders which he accomplishes tactfully and with outstanding organizational skills. Several duties such as organizing and arranging training sessions for the militia and selecting them for higher missions are part of the job of human resource management in the military. Hence effective writing plays a major role in building up an impression for the new and the old members of the community and also builds up a rapport with the clients who are invited not only to welcome the staff but also drill them for their future duties. Establishing personal relations with the media personnel also requires that written communication be as effective as possible. Some of the main components of effective writing are, that the opening paragraph which makes up for the introduction is very smooth and beguiling, the purpose of the content is clearly defined and the people addressed are accommodated according to their needs. The reason why effective writing becomes ve ry important for the above mentioned jobs and many more responsibilities is that it represents a marked difference between the professional and a non professional institution. It can be compared to record keeping whereby accountants maintain facts and figures to keep a track on the constant changes that occur on a daily basis. This is eminent to note because then it is the effective writing of the human resource management which forms the backbone of the community helping them to be recognized wherever they go. Several letters and transcripts need forwarding to higher authorities which cannot be done without proper evaluation and editing. These evaluations need to be apt and flawless. The perfection sought by the establishment is an indication that there are higher expectations from this position. What is written is mostly kept as a record which can be visited anytime in the future and questioned for its authenticity. Since military human resource management is the most important co mponent of the Army it works as a strategic facilitator for the leadership of the Army. Hence the language used needs to be persuasive and according to the moves made by the army to defend its mission. It is for this reason that the military HRMs are provided training in effecting writing courses so that they do not fall short of any skills needed to represent the army. It is the duty of all the members of the community to facilitate and strengthen the system. As mentioned above there are moments when the Army leadership requires instant memos to be sent to others. Considering the shortage of time due to high profiles it is the HRM which ensures that all of their needs are fulfilled. Effective writing is not as tough as it may. Nevertheless it is an art which can be learnt through practice because it needs a lot of perfection and no excuse for any delay. It is an unexpected and untimed task for which the human resource manager needs to be ready at all times. There is absolutely no w ay that one can do away with writing being a part of the huge network. Hence there should be no delays nor any mishaps occurring in the process. What exactly does it mean to be effective in writing? Effectiveness is a quality which works as a guiding light for the others who come across it. It is a
Friday, November 1, 2019
World Religions. Scientology and Its Appeal Essay
World Religions. Scientology and Its Appeal - Essay Example Moreover, the term scientology can also be defined as a valuable study which tends to preserve spiritual relationship to the principles along with the universe and other creatures within the world (Wallis, n. d.). The principles and beliefs of the religion i.e. Scientology are further witnessed to increase human potentials in accordance with increasing knowledge and skills concerning true nature along with the facets of immortal beings. According to Hubbard, the founder of the religion, scientology has been defined as the science that enables each individual to know the answer of each question relating to the aforesaid aspects. Moreover, the aspect of scientology can also be viewed as an effective organized system of progression which enables every individual to efficiently address various types of problems. Additionally, the concept has also been identified as an organization which relies upon both religion and psychology. Owing to the stated concern, an appropriate utilization of i deas or knowledge considerably provides the benefit to each individual to empower innate superhuman nature. According to the philosophical principles of Scientology, major challenges of each individual that unfavorably affects in attaining desired goals encompass deficiency in confidence, physical or psychological disabilities as well as psychosomatic infirmities (Matthews, 2011). Thus, the aforesaid significant aspects eventually reveal the appeal of Scientology. 2. Contrast between Science and Religion Science and religion have long been witnessed to create unabated discussion within the era of globalization. In relation to the present globalized environment, science and religion have been witnessed as the foremost paradigms that reveal significant controversy. In this regard, the dissimilarities of these paradigms have been illustrated in the following discussion. Science can be identified as the concept of knowledge which can be generated through the illustration of practical im plementations concerning any specific subject or topic. In contrast, the concept of religion is defined as the beliefs and moral that set by any individual to improve human life and gain fundamental source of satisfaction. Moreover, it has been viewed that religion is certainly unable to involve adequate evidence concerning different beliefs and norms. However, science can be observed to act in the form of encompassing experiential evidence concerning each act performed by any individual (Hohenberg, n.d.). In relation to the modern day context, it can be apparently observed that both the paradigms i.e. science and religion have significant dissimilarities. In this regard, the aspects within religion consist of certain beliefs that engage uncertain attributes or beliefs. However, due to the nature of practicability and realistic characteristics, science significantly weakened the religious beliefs resulting in excluding adequate practical attributes (Perlovsky, n.d.). 3. Brief Overvi ew of Globalization and Role of Atheism With regard to the gaining momentum of internationalization in this present day context, it can be widely viewed that the increased level of knowledge along with the perception of individuals play a decisive part in enhancing the force of globalization by a greater level. Moreover, the fierce development of human knowledge along with the greater involvement of scientific and technological aspects had radically provided adequate support to different individuals to increase his/her potential to achieve their respective desired goals and objectives. However, it is obvious that the vital aspect of atheism or avoiding beliefs of the traditional and religious aspects have also influenced more insight
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